Yesterday was a big day here in America... Election Day. Not just any Election Day, but the one where we decide on who our president will be for the next four years... sometimes a tough decision, sometimes not so much. There's always a few extra names listed on the ballot of people you've likely never heard of and two you most definitely have... this year, Barack Obama and Mitt Romney were our Primary choices. When it comes to the president and presidential elections things can get heated, arguments begin, friendships end, people laugh, people cry... for some it's a highly emotional time.
I'll make no bones about it, I didn't vote for Obama the first time and I sure as heck didn't vote for him this time. He didn't win and honestly I'm ok with that... I'm not ok with some of his past choices, and probably won't be with some of his future choices. It's ok... it's ok because everyone has made some poor choices throughout their lives and I'm sure Romney would have made some poor decisions throughout his presidency had he won. We all (I'm guilty of it too) seem to hold the president responsible for everything that goes wrong, and for not making positive changes. The economy is in a hard hard state right now, people are hurting and struggling, fighting to survive and one man can't fix that. It is unrealistic to think Obama could have made such great changes in the past four years, and it would have been unrealistic to expect Romney to fix the mess that was created over the past eight plus years. There is only one that can truly heal the hurt, feed the starving and lessen the struggles... He's our Almighty God. You know the verse, "I Can Do All Things Through Christ Who Strengthens Me" - pull him near, feel his warmth and I promise he'll pull you through whatever your troubles may be. No president can do that!
So here we are... Obama has another four years to finish what he started, another four years to get it right, to learn from his mistakes and go forward making GOOD decisions to help America turn itself around. Just keep in mind that ONE man can't do it alone, we all have to be a part of the equation. We all have to be a part of the solution, be the change you want to see in the world, be the role model the world needs you to be... shake your neighbors hand and let's put this country back together again!