Thursday, August 9, 2012

Hey There, Hi There, uhhh Hello!

I know it's been a while since you've all heard from me and there's a good reason for it... been lots happening in a super fast way!  Trust me, it's not that I haven't had anything to say... far from it.  So let me kinda bring you up to speed and then I'll try to get back on track with my regularly scheduled posts from here...

The basic low down... I moved, or rather am in the process of moving.  I'm lucky enough to have one of those jobs that allows you to transfer to other area's of the state when an opening arises.  Well I've been away from my family for nearly 13 years, mom's health has been up and down over the last couple years so I decided it was time to get back "home."  I figured it would take a while for any sort of transfer to come available, thinking there wasn't much turn over in Northern Michigan... boy was I wrong!  I submitted my transfer request mid June and within 2 weeks had received my first call for a contract position in Antrim County.  While I wasn't thrilled about that type of position, I do love that area.  The position had just opened up and there were only 2 people on the transfer list willing to go there so they weren't sure how it was going to work and if they had to post the position for outside apps to or not but she would get back with me. 

In the meantime I received a call from the Alpena County office wanting to schedule an interview.  Woot! Woot!  Of course it still wasn't my first choice but it at least was getting me closer to home... so to the interview I went, that was on July 12th.  I felt it went ok, probably could have done better but I did what I could... and when I got back to work on the 13th there was a message from Emmet County also wanting to schedule an interview - holy cow guys!  So back North I went for that interview on the 17th and before I had even gotten back south that day they had called my boss for a reference because they had chosen ME as the worker they wanted to fill their open spot.  I know my boss wasn't happy about it but I was ecstatic!  The official offer came that very next day and they wanted me to start the next pay cycle - ONLY TWO WEEKS LATER!!!  Holy speed demons Batman!  When they want to move fast with something they sure don't waste any time!!  That's when things went lickety split and it was the quickest two weeks EVER!

Thankfully I was moving back closer to family and am able to stay with them until I can tie up loose ends, get out of my lease and get ALL my stuff moved north.  The new office is great, my new co-workers have been VERY friendly and welcoming, making me feel right at home and as if I'd been here for years.  It is of course an adjustment in many ways but we're managing, the kids are loving the country atmosphere... baby girl loves spending her days with grandma, helping with errands, visiting family and learning new things.  And the boy has adjusted just well to his new preschool/daycare, of course I knew he would cause he's my social butterfly.  I am a little nervous about registering baby girl for school next week though... she's used to going to a charter school and now she'll be in full blown public school complete with having to ride a bus!  I'm scared - pray for me!

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful that you could move closer to home and WONDERFUL to feel so needed. The kids will adjust; they're resilient.
