Friday, August 12, 2016

A Visitor from Heaven...

I recently joined this challenge group where you’re to walk 30 miles in 30 days… sounds easy enough right?  I thought so too… until I started doing it… in the hottest month of the year!   We’re on day 12 and I’ve gone 8.7 miles… the first day was the hardest but as you all know, every journey starts with a single step and even though I’ve missed a couple days, I’m still pushing forward.  Last month I walked no miles… so I’m already ahead of the game and as they say, it’s more than those that didn’t get off the couch.  With that said… this has been a tough week.  Emotionally, mentally, financially, it’s just been absolutely draining and the end of the work day left my mind spinning…  

Halfway through the walk a cardinal flew across the path and perched on a tree branch.  He sat there staring at me, I immediately felt a connection and it was like everything stopped spinning, for just a second the world stopped.  As silly as it may sound or whether you believe in old wives tales or not, it’s believed that a cardinal is a representative of a loved one who has passed. When you see one, it means they are visiting you. They usually show up when you most need them or miss them. They also make an appearance during times of celebration as well as despair to let you know they will always be with you.   Yesterday was my father’s birthday… he would have been 76.  Without a doubt I believe that cardinal was my father, he knew my struggles and knew I needed to be reminded to believe in myself, that I can handle whatever life throws at me.  Telling me to stand tall, lift my head high and take pride in myself… you’ve got this, everything will be ok.

Monday, April 25, 2016

Keeping Focused...

God never leads you to do something without equipping you for the task.  We must keep our eyes on Him not only for direction, but also for empowerment.   

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Best Advice Ever

A great video I had to share about life perspectives throughout the various stages of life...

The message is clear... Love What Matters.


We Can't Take The Cuteness
This is entirely too adorable.Video courtesy of CBC Radio
Posted by Love What Matters on Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

A Problem Free Life?

We’ve all read or heard the saying… everyone has struggles or problems, don’t judge. I can’t help but wonder if we hear it so often that people tend to just block it out and pay no attention to it or the meaning and purpose it serves when in fact it’s probably the most important message of the day.
Everyone, and I mean everyone has problems.  If you’re sitting back and admiring someone for the care-free life they’re living and thinking they don’t have any problems, you’re delusional.  Instead of focusing on and putting hope into having a problem free life, we should direct our energy into seeking the one True God and a problem free life for all eternity in Heaven.
Easier said than done, right?  I know, I’ve had my share of problems and struggles but I am also reminded that there is ALWAYS someone out there with greater struggles.  How do we make it through?  Where do we find the strength to carry on?  For me it’s through Him and His believers… my light tends to shine brighter when surrounded by believers.  Believers who trust me even in the darkest of times.

 “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your 
God will be with you wherever you go.”  -Joshua 1:9