Tuesday, May 1, 2012

The Third Side...

I’ve always tried to live a drama free life but it seems that anymore I don’t even have to do anything and it finds me!!  I see it happening all around me and that’s where I leave it, I don’t ask questions (although I’ll listen if someone starts talking) and I certainly don’t pass judgment or bad mouth those involved.  There are always three sides to every story, your side, their side and the TRUTH!

The opposite sides of each story are not necessarily good or bad, but different views of an event.  Have you ever jumped to a conclusion before hearing both sides of a story? Have you ever failed to give someone the benefit of the doubt, even though they had never wronged you or even your loved one?  We’ve all done it at one time or another… thankfully I’ve learned over the years not to do that anymore.

Arguments amongst friends can lead to real sticky, unwanted situations. If the argument doesn’t involve you at all, then it is in your best interest to remain neutral. That means not taking sides- getting both sides of the story, understanding where each person is coming from, and not to side with one person over the other. It’s not your job to play detective to figure out the truth. Your job is to be a friend to both.  And for the love of all things Holy – Please refrain from all bashing.  If you weren’t there to witness the event, then you have no right bashing one or the other… and if one side comes to you bashing the other, I’d rethink them as a friend - cause you know they’re just as wrong and only bashing to build themselves up.  Chances are they’ve bashed you to the one they’re now bashing as well.

“Things turn out best for those who make the best of the way things turn out.”  ~Jack Buck

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