Thursday, May 17, 2012

The Devil in Disguise

A quick bit about me... I'm married with two beautiful angelic children, hahaha.  No seriously, they ARE beautiful and they ARE angelic... it's just that when the Devil takes over, my boy runs the gamut full force and I swear he's going to give me either a heart attack or a stroke before I turn 50!

Here he is being all charming and debonaire...

Then if you look closely you can see that little Devil grin shining through... 
and right there on church grounds no less!!

So, lately he's become quite an escape artist... on the go, doesn't like to be cooped up in the house.  So what better way to fix that other than taking off outside when our backs are turned!  He's gotten outside before but it's never been this bad before.  One day last weekend I was literally in the bathroom doing my thing when my daughter comes and says, Where's the boy*?  So off I went and sure enough there he was in the front running up and down the sidewalk in the rain wearing only a t-shirt and pull up. And if that weren't bad enough, of course the dog went out with him and was checking out the neighbors dog too.  Heart attack #1 for the weekend right there... you just never know what could happen.  A stranger could come along and snatch him right up, he could run in the road and get hit - anything could have happened and that scares the bajeebers outta me!  Couple more times he snuck out and got into the car and was pretending to drive... then he snuck out with the dog again while I was vacuuming.  SERIOUSLY!!!  I was in the living room vacuuming, I turn around and see that the sliding door in the kitchen is open and there they both were, in the yard.  The dog was taking a dump so I shudder to think what could have happened had the boy got tangled in that mess.

Let's fast forward to Tuesday, day 3 o f Houdini's adventures.  The hubs works midnight's so the boy usually goes to daycare on his work night so he can get sleep, but then he's there on his days off even if it falls on a week day.  So Tuesday morning the hubs comes home at 6:15am super tired and hoping the boy will sleep longer... one can always hope.  Well long about the day apparently hubs fell asleep for a brief moment in the chair and when he woke up the boy & dog were gone and the back door wide open.  So he rushes to get clothes on and by the time he's outside to see the boy dog combo in the neighbors yard, the police had arrived.  Oh yeah, never a dull moment around here... don't know who, but someone saw him out there chasing the dog around.  I honestly have to assume it was a passer by because all the neighbors know us and have seen the kids out there running around and know we've had these issues of late.  HOWEVER, if you were a passer by and didn't know better I suppose it would only be natural to call the police when you see a 3 year old in a diaper chasing a pit bull through the neighborhood.  Yes that's right, I said pit bull and for all you nay sayers, bite me.  The sensationalized media hype about Pit Bulls is a topic for another day but for now I think these pictures speak big volumes in disproving your vicious myth.

So after that "little" incident we decided it was time to invest in a chain lock...
It wasn't long before he tried sneaking out again... from the living room I heard the door slide open and then a little voice say, hey guys door not open.  hehehehe... nope it sure doesn't.  But that didn't stop him from at least trying to squeeze out it... anyone want to take bets on how long it will be before he finds
a way around this little set back?

*Actual names omitted for security reasons

1 comment:

  1. The dogs look completely content with your children, and frankly Boy is 4714 times safer chasing a pit bull around the yards than he would be if he were outside by himself. Fortunately for you, his growth is going to inhibit his ability to squeeze through tight spaces. Unfortunately, it will eventually enable him to open the locks by himself, but hopefully by then he'll be old enough to have a grasp on the consequences of actions and he'll be more trainable.
