Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Bully Time...

**NOTE... my access to a "real" internet connection is currently limited, therefore you will likely see, from time to time, a rash of posts come about that one would normally see several days or weeks apart from each other...

Soooo... three days into riding the bus, the bus she so excitedly loves to ride to and fro, she encountered a bully.  Some students get on the bus at the end of the day and then get off at another location to catch their "real" bus home - they are called transfer students in the eyes of the busing system.  One particular little girl, also a first grader, decided it would be fun to hit baby girl on the head while she was departing for her bus.  Baby girl asked her to stop multiple times but the bully continued and even dared grab at her face resulting in this...

Of course I made the calls necessary to make sure this doesn't happen again and I was assured that reports were made, parents talked to and an investigation was under way.  I also found out that the bus has a camera on it but, of course, the girls were close to the front of the bus in the "blind spot" of the camera.  The Bus Garage Supervisor said you can tell something's happening based on the other kids movements but you can't actually see what's going on... then he went on to tell me of all the new safety improvements being made to buses... he was rather chatty & offered no real solution other than to keep an eye on them and hope that it doesn't happen again.  The scratch is healing well and it's a little early to tell how it will eventually look but right now it's looking like a scar on her nose...

You would think an apology would come from the parent and child... nearly 2 weeks later and not one word from either... Hmmm...

1 comment:

  1. That's terrible. Like your anxiety wasn't high enough as it was. I hope that this is an isolated incident, and that she continues to love riding the bus.

    I wonder what that other little girl's home life is like that she feels like she needs to act out like that. I understand that's not really your concern – your concern is your own child. But, I can't help but wonder.
