Wednesday, February 1, 2017

To migrate or not to migrate...

Can we talk?  I love a good joke/meme/prank just as much as the next person, and usually have no problem just passing on by things that don’t make sense (to me), are offensive or whatever.  But every once in a great while I have to say something… and it’s usually when someone is trying to compare apples to oranges.

With the recent hub-bub about President Trump and “his” actions on the already immigration laws I’m seeing more and more people comment about how we’re all descendants of immigrants, that so and so came to America illegally and look at their great contributions and how President Trump's grandparents and own mother came to America illegally.  Except they came here before it was actually illegal to do so… and then became American citizens, worked hard, paid their dues, and lived a good life – the reason most came to America in those days.  They played by the rules. Yes, I understand that we are a “Nation of Immigrants”.

There’s a BIG difference between the “old” immigrants and the “new” immigrants… most of the older immigrants were literate and skilled, came over as a family, assimilated with their new “homeland”, and usually had at least “some” money.  The newer immigrants that come over illegally (in the more recent years) are generally not educated or skilled… they come over as “birds of passage” as it were, are reluctant to assimilate and often demanding that “we” as a country conform to their ways, they rarely become citizens and more often than not they arrive penniless.

I’m not against immigration.  But I can’t and won’t stand behind those that come illegally and make no effort to become a positive force in society, that make no attempt to become a citizen or try to stay here legally.  If you’re doing ANYTHING illegally, it should raise red flags.  We have rules and regulations for a reason.

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